What do I mean when I say “philosophy of culture”
I don’t think I use this phrase in the way it is understood by academia. Still I use it, because I believe it refers the best to what I have in mind. Someone asked me recently what do I mean by the philosophy of culture, and I want to share my answer here:
It’s not so easy to define because in some sense any reflection, trying to conceptualize how apes developed abstract thinking over time, might be considered a philosophy of culture. But there is this important assumption behind - to be always suspicious. Any cultural phenomenon, which we are facing and which we internalized, including logic, math, symbols, language, conventions, gender, etc., is not objective and given, but evolved. Thus the reflection on culture is like an attempt to understand the culture from outside, while still being part of some culture because of growing in it.
Panbanisha and Nyota are bonobos raised in the mix of human and chimpanzee culture. The picture illustrating this post is a still frame from this video, which seems to reveal well the connotations of the term culture, which I have in mind.